Our built environment is lagging behind when it comes to reducing emissions and preparing for climate change. Heating buildings are a high proportion of the UK carbon footprint, 然而,绝缘装置的安装率很低, uptake of heat pumps is minimal and we’re still constructing buildings with traditional carbon-intensive heating systems.
The built environment also determines our vulnerability to weather and climate events. Measures to prepare for climate change are therefore essential to manage risks to health and wellbeing. Sadly local planning policies and building regulations are failing to reduce the risks of higher temperatures and extreme rainfall which are expected to increase with climate change.
The good news is that there are many low-cost actions we can take. Energy efficiency improvements to existing buildings can reduce emissions, 减少能源开支, 帮助解决燃料匮乏问题. New homes designed to be highly energy efficient and to incorporate low-carbon heating systems, 能否降低账单并避免未来昂贵的改造. Installing heat pumps and low-carbon heat networks can develop new supply chains and increase awareness of unfamiliar technologies.
A long-term approach to planning and designing our built environment also creates opportunities to manage climate risks cost-effectively. Standards are needed to reduce the risk of overheating in new homes, whilst further action should be taken to assess and reduce the risk in existing buildings. Preserving and creating green spaces can help to reduce surface water flooding and overheating, 同时改善心理健康和空气质量.
挑战是明确的,解决方案是可用的. 现在是行动的时候了.
Adrian Gault
Adrian Gault是该委员会的代理首席执行官 e世博网站气候变化(CCC)的独立机构 向政府提供e世博网站实现碳排放目标的建议 2008年气候变化法案. 他是……的成员 自1980年起担任政府经济服务处处长. 他加入了 在2009年获得了CCC的职位,并曾在 英国财政部卫生和社会保障部 及运输署. 这包括在 环境税收、能源模型和预测.